
Check out the whispy new single from Nashville’s own Bre Kennedy. We’ll let the music speak for it’s self.

“Progress is my first release of this season of new music for me. After the year we all had, I found myself having conversations with almost everyone I know and love about feeling like there was no progress being made. Although last year particularly felt like barren land for making any progress at all, this also is a theme I feel daily in my own career, relationships and life. Am I too close to this to see that I’m getting anywhere at all? Are any of my efforts making me a better version of myself? Am I doing enough? I wanted this song to feel like walking through that feeling with a sense of acceptance that I may never see how far I’ve come in the moment, and that’s what we have community, family and friends for… to be our mirrors and remind us from their point of view just how much we are always growing. Even when it doesn’t feel like it, I think we’re always making progress just by asking the question and acknowledging where we are at right now.”