Fans of Lennon Stella and Maggie Rogers, buckle up! We’ve found the next iconic lyric-driven pop babe, and it’s Abigail Osborn. Learn you a little bit about her background and the making of the music video for her new single “Break My Heart.” Be sure to check out the vid below.

●            Have you always been interested in music, even from a young age? Was there a particular song or performance you heard or saw that made you think you had to do this as a career?

-               For as long as I can remember, I’ve been intrigued by the idea of music and live performance. It wasn’t until I got a little older that I realized this was something I really wanted to pursue, and actually couldn’t envision myself doing anything else.

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●            You have a new song called “Break My Heart”. What is this track about and did a specific event inspire you to write this song?

-               This song has been a long time coming. It’s a culmination of a lot of my dating experiences all tied up into one concept, focusing on the fact that I have a tendency to date guys who want to jump into a relationship, have a great time, and then dip out when it comes time to commit to something. There was one specific instance where I knew exactly where a relationship was going as I was getting into it, but I decided to jump into it anyways. I knew this guy was going to be just like all the rest, but made a conscious effort to make our time together the best it could possibly be, knowing it  was going to be short lived. This guy proved to be just like all the rest, but this time I at least got a cool song out of it!!!

●            The music video for "Break My Heart" is really colorful and so fun to watch. What inspired the music video for “Break My Heart”?

-               As I was writing this song, it brought up a lot of conversation between me and my friends, and I realized that I was definitely not the only one experiencing this kind of thing. I wanted to make something that felt as visually empowering as the song felt to write. The song feels pretty ironic to me, because the idea of a heart break is not very fun, but I wanted to change that narrative by making it look like the best time ever. I decided the best way to do that was by throwing a giant heart break party. I got all my closest friends together and rented out an all pink house and we spent the night sharing our stories about the horrible dates we’ve been on, while drinking champagne and dancing. It was the best time ever.

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●            What was it like filming the music? Any on-set stories?

-               It was a pretty chaotic experience, not gonna lie. I rented out a house to shoot in, but only had it for 3 hours total. We had to do a ton of prep work beforehand to make sure it wasn’t a total disaster, and that we could get everything we needed in that amount of time. We got in the house and immediately started shooting, and had to be super careful not to spend too much time on any one shot. Ty Combs is my videographer and co-directed the video with me and he is such a rockstar to have agreed to this crazy suggestion.

●            How has living in Nashville influenced your music?

-               Living in Nashville has definitely had a pretty big influence on my music. I’m collaborating with so many writers here and am consistently pushed to be the best version of my artist self. I’ve seen myself grow and evolve in my artistry so much in the past year, and am excited to see how that continues in the future. Definitely really thankful to be here and be surrounded by so many creatives I look up to so much.

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●            Last question: what’s next for you? What are your plans for future releases?

-               So much new music. I’m so excited for all I've got planned for the rest of the year. I spent most of last year recording and filming videos to go along with each song, and I'm just feeling really ready to put them out into the world. On top of that, playing live is something I'm really, really looking forward to doing again. It’s been really exciting to see the ways that live music has started to come back, and I look forward to more of that towards the end of this year.