Haley Ganis’ “The Crowd” is a fresh and intimate take on mental health and anxiety. Although serious at times, the music and lyric take the listener on a delightfully whimsical journey. The song is a follow-up single to Haley’s EP, “The Motions,” which was released in October of 2020. Haley is a Nashville-based artist & songwriter whose bittersweet and nostalgic perspectives on life are revealed through her music. 

“The Crowd” is the follow-up single to your EP, “The Motions.” Can you tell us a bit about the inspiration and who you created it with?

I wrote it during the beginning of the pandemic, all-out quarantine mode and so I was obviously spending A LOT of time alone. I was forced to look inwards a bit more than usual and what resulted was a song about anxiety and mental health. And although the song topic is serious, I wanted the music and lyric to have a whimsical feel to it. Dylan Maloney was my producer on it and we hired an insanely talented group of musicians to play on it. It was mixed by Chris Utley and mastered by Chris Henderson. 

How has Nashville impacted your music? 

I’ve always been about honesty, realness, and authenticity, but moving to Nashville was a total game changer for me. It has really forced me to become a better writer. There are so many talented people here and it not only kicks your ass, but it also inspires you creatively. People think Nashville and assume it’s all country music, but there are a lot of other genres flourishing here. I’m lucky to have a pop community that is supportive and collaborative!

What are some of your hobbies outside of music?

Baking, arts & crafts :), reading, spin classes, traveling (I miss that), and having a good glass (or bottle) of red wine.


What decade of music would you love to live in?

That’s tough - I love everything about the ‘70s, but I think I’d have to say the ‘90s. It gives me all those childhood nostalgic feels.

Who would you love to collaborate with?

Kacey Musgraves, hands down.

Which local Nashville artists are you loving right now?

Bre Kennedy, Stef, Bailey Bryan, carobae

What’s one random fact about you? 

I looove ketchup. Like put ketchup on my ketchup.


What’s next for you?

Lots of new music will be released this year and I’m very excited about it!

Listen to “The Crowd” below:


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