Check out the video premiere of RX artist and writer, Anna Mae’s new single, “Newlyweds”

Does Anna Mae Sound familiar? You may recognizer her from one of her over 100 synch placements including but not limited to a Toyota Super Bowl commercial and the theme song to Reese Witherspoon’s show, “Shine on Reese.” Check out the video below!

“Newlyweds is a song about celebrating love and embracing the beauty of relationships. I wrote it a month after getting married and I guess in a way it immortalizes that feeling of being newly married (for me.) During those early phases of falling in love, you notice so many little things that make you love your person even more. And even the feeling of being on a team is fresh and new. I want to remember those things regardless of how many years down the road we are. That’s why it’s really a song for anyone in love. It’s a reminder to soak in those moments and hold onto them forever.


The music video is really special to me because it’s actually all footage from our wedding day! I grew up on a farm in Minnesota and my parents still live there. They turned the farm into a wedding venue (Legacy Hill Farm) a few years back so we were able to get married there, which is truly my favorite place. Mika Matin shot our actual wedding video and then my younger brother, Levi Hoffbeck, made edits on the footage to turn it into the “Newlyweds” music video. 

I really had a vision for what I wanted this song to be after I had the initial title/idea and it took a few different forms before it finally got to the final song that you’ll be hearing today. The co-writers that helped me bring the whole thing together were Emily Haber, Kendall Brower, Oscar Martin, and Griffin Oskar. Griffin also produced the track and Ben Didelot mixed and mastered it.”