Who are your favorite writers, artists, and collaborators to work with and why? Who are you excited about?

Cameron Bedell and Jared Scott are two of my favorite writers to work with. They were two of the first people I wrote with that really understood my vibe and the direction I wanted to go with my music. 

What’s your first memory you have that made you want to do music?

This is going to make me sound soooo young haha but I remember standing in my living room when I was in middle school and I was watching an awards show and the Jonas Brothers came on performing one of their new songs and I was like “Wow, that looks so fun. I want to do that.”

Tell us about what you’ve got coming up.  Album, releases, shows, collabs, etc?

I have a new single coming out in March! It’s a song I’ve been holding on to for a while and it finally feels like the right time to release it. 

I’ve been focusing on writing and building my catalog and I’ve been making some amazing music that I’m really proud of so I definitely have plans to release those songs.

Talk about living in Nashville and creating music. What do you love? What are the barriers? What advice. What advice would you give?

Nashville is all about community and I absolutely love it. I moved to Nashville about 3 years ago and I’ve gotten to know so many amazing people in this town and everyone has been so accepting and helpful. Everybody started at the bottom here and I think that’s why people are so willing to help the new kids in town - cause we’ve all been there.

As far as advice goes, I would say to play everywhere you can and write with anyone you can especially when you first move here. 

It’s black history month.  As a POC, what African American artists have inspired and influenced your music?

Hands down, Beyonce. I’ve always admired her work ethic and the fact that she makes music that SHE wants to make not what other people want her to make.

Real talk - whats your go-to drink?

I love me some white wine.


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