Dive into this fresh, hip-hop influenced pop jam from, Jared Minnix. Released with record label MMXVAC, and produced by With Løve.

So recently I was left feeling empty. Like nothing was fulfilling me. No amount of success, money, work, or relationship was giving me purpose and joy. 

All though some people may interrupt the song to be a relational song about a couple, I was reminding myself that God is the only one that can truly fulfill you. People are human and they will mess up and let you down, regardless if they love you or not.

I couldn't find purpose in my work or anything I would chase after. I had this emptiness that I was trying to fill that only God could fill. I love how music is so interruptive and hope those who listen to this song know that there is purpose to their life. That they can find fulfillment in their life.