pop country


Get behind “Do You Mind” - the latest single from Nashville based pop-country artist, Julia Cole.

  • When you went into the writing session, did you have the plan to write this song?

I feel like this one came together super naturally in the room. I had the hook idea and my friend Josh came up with a cool guitar part to jam to. Zarni DeVet and I are super close friends and love being sassy together so naturally, that's the direction our lyric went. She's one of the most confident girls I know and it's so fun to co-write with her. It was a dream team kind of day. 

  • How does this song play an impact on your life? What does the song mean to you? When other females are listening to the song, what do you hope that they take from the song?

I just hope that people can take away the message of empowerment from this song that I am hoping to spread. No matter who you are (male or female, black, white, tall, short, WHATEVER) you should feel confident enough to go after what you want in life. I hope some more girls get the courage to make the first move instead of just hoping the cute guy will eventually notice them and walk over. It's 2020! Take life into your hands.