Sidewalk Records recording artist Ruthie Collins fills us in on the continuation of her dreamy Country saga, including the expanded re-release of her current project, Cold Comfort and the ethereal new radio single, “Hypocrite.” Stream the record below!

Your new single, “Hypocrite” was released to radio Jan 10. Talk about the inspiration behind it.
I wrote “Hypocrite” with my best friend Natalie Stovall, actually in her driveway, where my 1973 argosy airstream was parked at the time. I was in the airstream trying to turn a very bitter heartbreak into a song and I needed my best friend. Thankfully she came out and finished it with me. We knew it was something special right away.

For those who aren’t familiar with Ruthie Collins music or projects, tell us what fans can expect from this record and the new single. 
Cold Comfort is a country/americana record that blurs the lines between traditional country and singer songwriter. It’s a super emotional record, raw and vulnerable. Hypocrite takes the foundation of Cold Comfort, the cinematic sounds, soaring melodies and a heart wrenching lyric and moves it into a slightly more commercial sound.

The music video for “Hypocrite” is epic! Tell us a bit about it.

I had been dying to work with Running Bear (the production team) for years. I was huge fans of everything they had done prior so I just trusted their vision and jumped in even though it was so far out of my comfort zone. Working with Stephen and Alexa is the only way we would have made that video. They perfectly brought to life the emotions I was feeling when I wrote the song and amplified them into a storyline that really suited the song.


You’re re-releasing and extended version of your record, Cold Comfort, what songs are you excited for fans to hear or get another shot at tuning into?
I’m really excited about the three unplugged tracks! I recorded those at my mom’s house during the lockdown, so it’s my first time engineering and producing on my own. And “Hypocrite,” obviously!

You crafted much of your record Cold Comfort during the pandemic. What did you learn?
I learned that nothing is in your control and to just surrender to the moment. From traveling to the UK and then not being able to play live, to so many shows being canceled over and over, I’m trying to just find peace in the creation of the art.


If your fans could take away one thing from this project, what do you hope that is?
I hope this record gives people a safe place to express their emotions even when it’s uncomfortable, because there is so much healing in that!

What else can fans expect from Ruthie in 2022?
More new music and lots of touring!! (Fingers crossed, that is.)