Learn you a little about Nashville’s hottest rising indie-pop duo, Doublecamp.
New single “I Don’t Wanna” avail everywhere Aug 26.


1. Jordan and I both played basketball at different colleges in Wisconsin.  We met in Milwaukee in 2013 and have since either worked together, lived together, and/or played music together almost everyday for the last seven years. We also have the same favorite color. It's blue.


2. We quit our jobs and moved to Nashville. We rented our first house sight unseen and found jobs once we got here. We spent the first month or so living off tour money, eating pasta and watching "Narcos" on Netflix basically every day.  Sure wish we hadn't watched it looking back, because it would have made for some great quarantine T.V.


3. We've been shooting our own music videos during quarantine. For the last video, "Smoke and Mirrors" we bought a bear mascot suit online and filmed out the back of a car while we danced down neighborhood streets. Jordan danced so hard he tore a hole in the suit. Prior to that we filmed a social distancing concert for our song "Wake Up" on Jordans' 2005 Mercury Sable in an empty parking lot. The car is rusted through in spots, so during filming a piece of the door fell off.  What we are trying to say is, we do our own stunts.


4. We bought a red van and named it Rosie. We put almost 150,000 miles on it in 2 years, playing every show we could, from festivals, to colleges, to clubs.  It broke down multiple times including twice on a trip to SXSW, one of those times in the middle of the interstate.  Our tow truck driver strapped our instruments to the back of his truck bed and recommended some delicious BBQ.  We drove it until it wouldn't turn on anymore and we had to scrap it for 200 bucks. 


5. Our new song, "I Don't Wanna", drops on August 26th. It's about not wanting to be someones stepping stone on the road to finding love and instead being that person they want to be with. We've used quarantine to write a ton of new music that we are really excited about and to create lots of new content.  We can't wait to play shows again and we've put a lot of time into creating that as well. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon!